October 25, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 61

So wassup people? I'm in a good mood, sort of today. You know once Thanksgiving break hits, I will be on cloud .. not 9 but like 1000 or millions. Seriously I'm in desperate need of a break. For the last weeks or so I'm been working hard but the end result wasn't great. Still I did what I had to do and I can only hope for the best. You need to all really really really really really really (OKAY I'LL STOP) wish me good luck because I need it. I am praying so hard for this semester that I will get anything lower than a C as a final grade. If I haven't already told you. I need atleast a C in every class in order for it to count for my major. But for the university, it's a C-. Either way it is bad for my GPA, which is why I'm retaking some classes that I took in my early years to get a higher great. This world is demanding that college education is enough that people have to work harder and harder just to get into the system and or want one wants to better themselves off in life. It's sick I tell you. If we were still hunting and gathering, BULLSHIT we don't need to do crap but eat to survive. Sighs. Anyway. Nope I'm not getting angry, I'm just overly happy. Haha Jk. ok well.

I have't finished watching "Full House" yet. I know I know. It's like get it over already but if you think about it. I come home at like around 2PM. I eat and I do my hw till 8 and beyond. Not counting the time I need to squeeze in for dinner, small bathroom breaks, lol, and showers. So yeah not much free time. I am a member of Netflix and boy you know how that works. I need to watch the DVD that comes in the mail and get it back asap or else I'm not getting much of my money each month. I'm planning to cancel it though. I got freeloads of Asian series and movies online hehe. Not really, no time for that too. Well so yeah basically no time for anything. I also watch "Survivor" and "Top Model" and that's an hour away. WOW. I have been doing time management a lot lately.

If there is a God, he needs to help me. I feel so clueless and in need of some guidance in my screw up mess up life that I have. (It is not that bad, I'm not exaggerating, people always do when they pray or complain to people). So yeah where is the light. Buddhism said that there is no God, no divine to help you but yourself so I guess I'm pleadding to myself to not slack off anymore and get working. WORK IT!! WORK IT! no Miss J not the run way. I need to work my brain, fry it and sell it to world. Well sell it to America and the so call American people. Sighs.

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