July 2, 2008

Day 310 Wears on

LOL just wanted to comment on Che Thai's first officially rad post.

CONGRATS you wonderful beauty you!! ^_^ LOL i hope he ends up rotting on some really sad highway.

College eh? Me and you in the same boat here, man it's going to be crazy. But I can't wait. Just wish you could have gone to school with me. UT all the way!! Well not really, but I hope it'll grow on me, lol, kind of had that long overdue grudge against it too. You know, how asian parents going on and on about their kids getting into certain schools(UT) that made detest UT so bad since I was young. But beggars can't be choosers. HA!!!!

Well now, I gotta be off to bed, since there will be more work the upcoming days, total SHIT!

My problems and life will have to be on hold for now, so no detailed blogs from this loser any time soon. hehe.


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