August 27, 2007

Day 3 goes by..

I feel toasted like a burnt toast. haha. well that was pretty obvious but what else can i say? nothing much. i been counting down to the days till my 4 day weekend this week but it seems to go by so slow. mostly with all the homework assignment piling up and even though i don't start it till dead late at night. makes me wonder. why do i procrastinate so much? why do i always wait till the last minute to do things? why cant i be more organized? too much whys but really zero answers. but its not just me. look around u. everyone has the same problems in some form or another.

I have a problem with looking into people
eyes. -_- i try my best to avoid eye contact cause its utterly awkward to do so. its like i can sense that their words aren't real or something o.O or i least i feel that it isn't if i directly look into their eyes. i have person to person contact issues i tell you. haha. maybe thats why the teacher dont think im listening in class cause dude i go out of my way not looking at them -_- therapy anyone? haha

i took a 4 hours nap today! and it feels so good. i should stop sleeping and use that time to do my homework but i cant cause why u may ask? i love to sleep i could care less about eating or watching tv or being on the computer as long as i have my sleep. haha. i could hibernate forever. its like if anyone calls me while i am sleeping i wont call back. why? because u dont exist to me when i am sleeping. haha. sleeping is my only joy now. its such a fulfilling joy. haha. it makes me wanna dance because i got my sleep. yes im rambling on about sleeping cause i can! -_-' haha.

so yeah my only highlight pretty much today at school was seeing the korean guy walk by me. haha it was like a slow motion 2 seconds but oh was it worth it. actually its not. i like his hair tho and the way he dressed. very stylish cause korean guys tend to be stylish. but i'm totally stereotyping from the korean dramas cause thats how i want all guys to look. if u don't look like that. by god. go get plastic surgery -_-. haha jk jk

i just listened to Che Xinh Xa song. i like it. but dude when they first talked on the phone i thought it was hilarious f
or some reason. at like 47 seconds. man i thought she said ku dien -_- i guess thai is in now? haha.

i think imma end it here cause i h
ave piles of homework needed to be done and prolly wont get done till like 2 AM because this is the consequence of my 4 hours nap time plan. haha. oh well at least it was a lovely 4 hours. it was good while it lasted but don't worry nappie we'll do it again tomorrow afternoon after school. wait for me ;]! haha

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