August 30, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 6

DAY 6!!!

I was going to post yesterday about my day at school when I was eating steammed dumplings and drinking iced tea but then I was interrupted by my brother in law and his friend who wanted to set up a webcam.......... long story.

So yesterday I was ordering steammed dumplings from this Vietnamese food place on campus. It is call "Tai's Viet Place." I also ordered a small homemade iced tea. The thing is I went there after the long summer break the prices changed! I was looking at the poster of prices and everything is like $5 and up or something. The cheapest items besides water, was Spring Rolls for $3 and Summer Rolls for $3.25. My steammed dumplings (8) used to be like $3.25 or less and then last semester it changed to $3.75 and now its $4! and everything else moved up a notch as well. It is such a ripped off of students. It is bad enough we have to pay so much for books, but come on ... Anyway I don't blame them much because things are changing nowadays, food prices if you checked are changing so it's nothing new. I was just upset that I'm paying almost double since the first time I ordered my delicious steammed dumplings. Btw the iced tea, small used to be 75 cents is now $1. The large iced tea was $1.25 so I guess it's $1.50 now? I didn't checked. Nevertheless I ate and drank them ... they were good hehe.


Here lies what remains.. after I went through them :D NOTHING basically accept the iced tea, which I didn't want to drink too much of because I have a class coming up and didn't want to have to leave to use the bathroom.

I'm going to remember taking pics of my food before I hungrily chow down on them next time :D inside this bag is nothing.. just .. all gone! 8 dumplings ... mmm

Here's a look at my iced tea...

-I was able to sold 2 books ... YAY made some $
-I took the bus home and it was nicely empty and quiet. YAY
-A HOT guy sat infront me today in class and I was able to stare at the back of his head lol for nearly an hour. FUN? NO YAY
- I ate some food when I got home and is now full but thirsty.
- I went home and finished advance HW, leaving me free until more HW are assigned. ...
- I text message Che Trai Cay back and forth.. (I need to check if I still have any remaining texting avaliable until SEP 22!!


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