June 28, 2008

The Days Without Guys - Day 306

its almost a year since this blog was started! and summer is in the process! what have you guys being doing this summer, beside sitting at home and getting fat? -.- although that is a pleasure of life, well not when u have to go buy new pants size since you "outgrew" them. iyah. haha. since since i have to tone down for the body shot to give to the other che's to make a t shirt with everyone in it. haha. yay! i get to wear hot pictures the che's around. surely, that will attract the guys! not to me tho but they'll be asking for the numbers of everyone else ^___^

June 14, 2008

The Days Without Guys - Day 292

GAWD!!!! These days are so crappy.

Started this post 2 hours ago, now too sleepy to finish. LOL. But I'll try to tomorrow. Have lots of stuff to say to you folks...or no one in particular.


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