September 29, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 36

Today's post was going to be a full on bitchathon, but after napping for so many hours, I'm still pissed, but not entirely so. so apparently, weekends will be my day to write crap =D

Folks, Him2 is out of the running! Yes, I've made up my mind, and well, I see no attraction there. It's a good distraction, but not a worth it attraction. O___o rite.

I hope everyone is proud of me, because I've joined the cross country team. Well, I won't be running in the meets or any fast or long distance, just a few laps to get myself in shape. The coach, who's my anatomy teacher, is very nice about it all. He's slowly pushing me to my limit and in no way is forcing me to go beyond unless I'm up for it. But we all know I'm only in it for the shirt. lol, yes. So far, I've been to two practices, since I joined Thursday. The waking up thing is so far okay, but I don't know if I can pull this off, waking up at 6:30, for 3 more weeks. The first time I ran, I was stupid enough to try to keep up with the other girls, so after 1 lap, I was screwed. -___-" all the guys started calling me 1 lap. HAR HAR. BUT! the next day, I was able to do 1 mile without dying. :D Now at least they can call me 1 mile, i hope. lol, i doubt it though.

The first student government meeting of the year wasn't so bad. We came up with lots of new ideas to raise money. ^_^ And nobody is going to over-throw anybody. =]

Besides, my yearbook teacher is being a total BIATCH to me. You all might not think so, or that I'm just over reacting or whatever, but, truly, when I'm dedicated to something, I want it to be the best of the best. And how can I do that, when she's telling me to do this and that, and when I do, she shoots down all of my ideas and incorporates her own? why the fuck doesn't she just do everything then? why should I even be part of it at all? I like plans. So when I go into something, I need to know every single little details!! I'm anal like that, but hey! at least it gets things done. So whatever, back to the drawing board.

Do you want to know why Him2 it out of the picture? Either way, I'll still tell :D well, yesterday, since it was office aid period day, I reported to my assigned counselor to see what's up. Apparently, she had these two huge binders for me to sort papers in. This is a block period, so it was 1 hour and 30 minutes total. I finished my task in an hour -___-" during that time, I didn't once feel rushed or sad because I couldn't see him or talk o him. That was a sign. So just when I was about to finish up my task, my friend called, but it was him, calling from her phone, asking me to take him to Short Stop (fast food restaurant), and I'm not..."NO". why the heck would I take him to get his food O___o. Besides the point that he's making it pretty obvious that he likes me in front of my friends, which, somehow, I guess, if I really liked him, I would have loved it, but I didn't. Sign #2. Then the BIGGEST thing is that, he's not that great of a conversationalist. All we do talk about, his is scars, football, his SHAVED legs (keeps showing them to me and telling me to touch them! o__O), and his stupidity. -___-"

And Him1! My gawd, if you want my attention, just say so. Why does he keep throwing footballs at my face! O__O I didn't catch it the first time, what makes you think I can catch it the next? -_-"

So I went to this elementary moon festival thing at my childhood nightmare elementary school. It's been a tradition since forever to have a moon festival there, but it's been years since I've ever really had the urge to go. I went because of my new asian friends :D hahaha, yeah. Me, Joey, Yen and her bf Toan, stood around there for a few hours, watching crappy little kids dance and sing. -__-" Then Yen and I tried to sweet talk our way into getting a free lantern :D hahaha. and we succeeded! The only down side to last night was that we couldn't stay out longer than 9. =/

I won't talk about the crappy things that happened though. So tonight, and me Quyen are closing the shop early to go to the Temple's celebration of the moon festival. -___-" I hope my dad never finds out or we're screwed. HA!

So much is going on these days, and I missed seeing the Che's on cam yesterday, doing their naughty things! T____T whyy!!!

My phone is a bitch again too. ARGHH...when will OCT. 7th roll around! Anyhow, my eye is...a little better. But it still gets red, which sucks.

Oh well, I can't recall much to say anymore. I'll be back tomorrow to blog though, maybe then I can inform ya'll on whatever I missed in this blog. hahaha, more nonsense jibbering from CXX here.

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September 28, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 35

I'm quiet surprise that my parents are understanding about my grades. makes me feel quiet relieve that they are holding a cane or anything to chase after me and beat me to death. but then again since they are understand i want to make them proud. -_-" must work even harder now! cause I do not approve of my pre-cal grade. i could burn it. UGH. i mean i get the material. but but i make really stupid math errors and don't notice it until AFTER i turned it in and usually that is right when the bell ring, so I couldn't really ask to get it back because I have to catch the stinking bus. what great timing. I need to learn how to drive.

This kid in my English class told me he had a dream about me and that my head was bitten by a scorpion. I'm not sure to be honored that i popped in his dreams or scared that he had pictured me dying. haha. It's the same guy that told me I was mean whenever I open my mouth and said that they teacher was hitting on me because she said that she would get me to talk in class instead of hiding my "cute" face in the back. *shrug* its the beginning of a really weird friendship since we talked about naruto and bleach during class today after our discussion was over. haha.

I'm hungry but i don't want to go downstairs until they leave to go to work.

I have been talking to my cousins in vietnam for like 3 hours so far on the phone. i miss them.

so my cousin went home and in this accusing voice said "what did u do with my penguin?" i felt like saying lito girl! who gave u the right to talk to me like that. I'm older. at least show some respect. just because I'm living at your house doesn't give u the right to accuse people of things. I hate it eps when she said it in a arrogant voice. and I'm sorry if your all blinded cause your stupid penguin was on the bed near your freaking pillow. GOSH.

September 27, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 34

Today was kind of good I guess, it's amost the weekend so I am happy. I don't know what I will do however during the weekend. I could alway study, that option is always there but who wants to do that huh? Probably not me.

I wonder what my grade for the test is like. I took it this week, early on Monday and I hope I did well. I mean if not, I would be very very sad......... I studied for it and all but who knows. :(

Sighs, I'm not sure what to blog about really so it's just random. I'm not very thoughtful at the moment. I have two minutes to finish up this post. So I need to type fast. I need to go ...

You know what I need to buy some new pants. I don't have many of those short capri kind of pants. As for jeans, gosh some of them don't fit right and or loose. Gzz. I'm like running out of stuff to wear. Sometimes I wish we can all go naked without being arrested. Wouldn't that be fun? Maybe. Maybe not. Hm.. Well I really do need to go so I am going to leave it as that. Imagine everyone naked, how much of an image that would be. HAHA NO NAUGHTY THOUGHTS!

September 26, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 33

today is che ba mau's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHE BA MAU! i bet u can't wait until sunday when all those food and cake appear in front of your eyes. isnt that exciting? haha. hope u have a good one! and forget about the torturing historyy. i still say you should dress up as hermes because who could resist an asian with a cape! i mean CAPE are amazing! even though you have this wild idea that we will get sucked in some disaster and die -_- but at least we will look fly dying o.o haha.

September 25, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 32

Sighs... I feel kind of tired today and a bit bored. So I have a test Thursday that I need to study for, but I don't know if it will help much. You need to wish me good luck. By the way I got a 92 on my religion quiz on Hinduism. I feel quite happy, because I thought I did worse. Why do I always end up writing about school. Gosh.

Let's talk how cold I feel right now. Seriously, I feel cold like not temperature wise but you know .. inside cold. I feel that I don't fit what I am. I want to be like not worrying about everything and just a place within nature to lay down ... and maybe just stare up forever. That's just my day dreaming, but in reality can I handle not eating, or be able to use the Internet. How lonely would I feel to be away from people and especially my family? I don't know but I don't think I can become like that .. like what I learned in religion class about people going off and enduring hunger and such.

I want to do something great in life, but what can I do? How will I do it? And what will I do? I feel like I'm living or so it seems like walking in a cave and only be able to see where I am now and what's visible but everything else is not available until I am there, but inside the cave there are many paths. Some lead to a dead end and some lead to other paths beyond my control. So how do I know what to choose. I guess apart of me feel lost and a part of me feel trapped and also lonely. Can you imagine being in a cave. There are adventures, an exciting part of exploration but also a scary and threatening side to it as well. This reminds me of that Australian movie.. not sure about cave exploring and discovering some creature. Hmm... Can you think of the name? I can't at the moment but it was a good movie and very intense. The acting was good. I know I'm like jumping from one thing to the next. I'm randomly like that if you didn't already know. I like to ramble through when I'm thinking lots especially about my life and the things around me.

I'm thirsty and want something to chew on. FOOD. WATER.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I think that I think too much lol. Thinking about thinking, how nice. No I don't have mental problems, I just need to think. Philosophy thoughts hehe. It's better to let out my thoughts than hold it in and explode slowly. I'm OK. Really! Really...

So what else should I talk about? Math? lol no. guys? maybe I should since this blog... yea. There is nothing new that I found out about guys or anything interesting to say. :D

September 24, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 31

Sorry for not blog, I feel kind of guilty. Hehe. Wow Che Xinh Xa, you posted a long one.. You're good. ^^

So what happened? First and foremost, school. I had a quiz and a test. I studied for both the day before, so I don't know how that will work out. Anyway. I have one more this coming Thursday that I'm so afraid. Haha. I don't have much confident going into this one. IDK. Sighs........ school school school school school school school

Did you know that Che Ba Mau's birthday is coming up? Yup, It's on the 26th! Hehe. Well I don't know what to say really. I mean,school took most of my time. Lots of things to do and take care of. It's like endless... yes an endless cycle of work and work and work. I work to get an education, I work to eat, I work to work to survive. I think most of our life is working. Think about it.

The first 5 years or so of your life you can't recall much or at all. Starting at around six year old, you start school if you live in area where you are required to. If not you might have to work for a living.. yes kids work too in today's work and even in the past. So you work and you go to school up to until you finish high school, that's when you're 18. From here you can choose to enter college or work. Basically, unless you are unemployed or you parents are mighty rich. I mean most of us either go to school or work. I mean work as in any kind of labor really. I'm being general. So If one continue school, will finish in 4 years at least. 22-23 you're done college. Maybe at this time you saved up some money or nothing for workingd depending on your situtation. Then If you one choose to get a higher degree society is demanding more or simply because your career require you to do so. Yeah that's so more years.... And even more if you wish to go higher and higher. So if you're lucky by 28 you'll be done and start working. Or if you already started, that's typical. So some people way after they are 30 are still in school to get that degree. At the same time maybe some of us think of starting a family or have a family to take care of already. Family could be your parents, siblings or wife/husband and or your children. So that mean we have to work. So when do we stop working? Hm.. that is hard to answer. When you work enough to have enough money for retirement money, maybe around 60 for those who start early. What about who started late? Okay, some more years if you wish. But how many people can live up to 60 or beyond? Many of the people probably pass away... So the rest of us who live pass 60 and is still working for self and others. Maybe you stopped what are you doing now? Vacation is nice, if you have money saved up or maybe you're taking care of grandchildren. Or maybe you're alone. Whatever.. it is probably not the same anymore. Your dream is probaly to travel, but now you're too old that you feel tired. Ofcourse some people are still strong and enjoying life. So you're doing good. But what happens to the rest of us who are not living well? This comes to death.. you're days are numbered. If there an afterlife? Are you going to be reborn? Or are you going to take a nap and never wake up. The thought of not participating this world and seeing the day when it will end or never end... Life is a cycle.

September 23, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 30

Okay, complete BS here...I blogged this morning, but the internet wanted to play games, so it's all gone. I didn't even consider trying to remember what I wrote since I have CRS, but something is pushing me to re-blog. I guess you can say its boredom, but whatever it is, it has to come out!

So like you would have read if the internet wasn't being a bitch, that i had 7 more hours to go until closing time, but instead, i only have 3 more hours to go. um...this was all that was saved before the "internet" went stupid:

Wow, it's been a month since we've opened this blog. I wonder if we'll ever have a one year anniversary for this blog...but netherless.

I find today, very hopeful. because so much is happening, but not all are that great. But we're all still hoping for the best, are we not?

NEWS FLASH EVERYONE: well, just that I care about anyhow. BUT forget the SE T650, I see a really hot, awesome future of me with the SE 910i. -___- I bet this mother fcuk'er will be a plentiful penny. why did I just abandon the t650 like that? well, for 1 reason and 1 only. It's banned in America. Sure I can go beyond and purchase it, but I don't think its worth getting my brains fried over. :D

So yes, what next was on my agenda to rant about? oh yes, last night's event. My sister and I closed the shop early to go to the local "china town"'s moon festival, that turned out to be a shamble. But we still went. Took off an hour or so before closing time and drove home, where I just pulled on a better pair of shorts that didn't make me look fat and kept the rest no-name brand. Drove to "china town", and stood around with my two loser guy friends and a bunch of other vietnamese kids. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! I felt so out of place. Even the black and white kids fit in more than I ever would have. There I stood, in my non-Hollister or American Eagle clothing while the rest of the anorexic girls club giggled and bubbled over whatever the heck it was they were choking on. All I could do was stand there and tried not to gag in their faces. I literally felt FAT around them. O_O and you know just how "fat" i am. lol

Yes, so I was friggin' hungry and tired, standing there over an hour sweating in my clothes. Heck, I was probably the most fobbiest looking thing there in my shorts, and tank with my hair tied up and glasses hahaha (my eyes have cleared up, looking just a tad better than yesterday). The only ones I knew there were these other fobby girls that use to go to my school. But heck, the only reason I looked so fobby was because everyone was trying sooo hard to look americanized or whatever they were trying to do. =P it doesn't matter, that just means I'm not a faker. lol, right, just words of comfort for my fobby ways. WHOOOO right? Moving on, it's not as if I don't try to fit in with these kids, it's just...I find it not worth it. And the only people I knew there kept ditching me for their "school" friends or whatever. I didn't mind really, except for the fact that Him1's older brother (who's JUST a friend to me) kept introducing me as "the girl that loves my brother (Him1)" , i'm like O____o. it's not I went around telling people that he's "my friend the crackhead that ran his gf's car into a fire hydrant". NO! seee -____-" But this re-blog of what happened last night does not do the previous attempt justice..hahah, the other one was filled with pity and so much sadness. but I can't remember it, so oh well.

OH YES, I also added a shout out to all my kin-folks in Philly whom I love dearly: GO EAGLES!! WHOOOOOO!!!

Yes, so then I remember going on about how everyone is messing with me these days. Well, at least its just my couple friends. One had already broken up, but there is talk of regret and getting back together, while the other couple is talking break up. I'm like...LEAVE ME ALONE...!!! What did I do!! -__-"

lol then there was talk about homecoming. Yes folks, I am thinking about running for Homecoming queen. =] do I have what it takes to be the class of '08's Homecoming queen? haha >___<

And a friend of mine, who's co-captain of the cheerleading squad tells me there might be a jersey day for spirit week. lol, should I ask Him2 for his jersey? crazy, aren't i? lol

So the whole class of '08 is also bugging student council to start planning this year's prom, but how in the world can we, when we don't even have a student sponsor? The last guy decided he didn't want to do it anymore, while the new guy is still thinking about it -___-; What's a kid to do? And then there's the stress of finding that perfect dress and the hair, and the make up and the EVERYTHING! And the most crucial, a date...oh boy!!!

Okay, 2 more hours until I get to go home. And it's school again tomorrow. Though I did get around to finishing up most of my hw, there is still a long list to get through. WHY people! Why do you torture me so! T____T Otherwise besides my lousy life, I hope everyone had an awesome weekend, and school isn't about to kill us all soon.

what more have i left out? Oh yes, apparently, I will be studying undergrad at University of Austin Tx, for locals, that's UT. I've made up my mind, to not waste so much money, but to just get undergrad over with, then move on out later for Grad work. and my parents are finally coming home soon, in a week or two. Just hope when they come back, hell won't be too unbearable. But I do secretly miss them, lol. just between us okay? *wink*

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September 22, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 29

Lookie here folks, it's Saturday again, the day when I have no excuse not to blog. Yes, the horrible Che Xinh Xa is back, with more junk to spill out.

Do you know something else? My OP(occasional paper) was very welcoming (to myself), after I just copied and paste it onto another page from the blog. So I will use this entry as another potential OP. =]

My days, without guys, or rather, the week, has been fine actually. Except for 1 thing. I've been infected, with the damn pink eye. It's horrible, I look just horrible! And stupid me, I should have googled a treatment, rather then take it on myself to treat myself. Instead of applying warm cloth onto my eyes, I put cool!! -___-" such an idiot. But anyhow, Monday was an okay day for me, though I can't remember most of it. Because when the good times roll on by, I have CRS... Can't remember shit. =]

So once again, I wrote this in the morning, but never got the chance to finish it, and it's around 5:30 right now. My eye isn't as irritated as it was yesterday or this morning. It's actually less red, well, kinda. And I did a google on infected eyes, O__O I am so freaked out right now. lol, so I hope it goes away soon or so.

My mind's jumping from one end to another, so I might sound stupid when I'm talking, hahaa, bear with me here!! I can still see specks of white-out on my arm. -_-" yes, I did shower and scrub, but it just won't come off! How did I get white-out on my arm? Why, thanks to Him2, (yes, there is another guy in the picture folks, because Him1 is a piss off jerk) of course, who actually, has great potential. Of what? I dunno. But yes, the only period when I have "class" with him. It's not really a class, when we're office aids. Like usual, there is nothing for us to do, so he started to mess with me! Here I am, innocent, sweet me, just minding my own business, when he scrapes this moisturizing liquid for envelope on me! why the nerve of this bugger! like a true asian, i had to take revenge! This is where the white-out came in. so i might have dapped an inch or 2 onto his arm, but the bugger just doesn't learn! He scrapes it onto my arm! T___T and this darn cheap white-out has to had work, it dried up within a milli-second. Back and forth we went. White-out here, scrape there, white-out there, scrape EVERYWHERE! In the end, my petite not even 5" self was covered in white-out, but NEVER FEAR! Him2 looked more like a newly painted white-billboard than all my white-hair combined. O___o bad comparison, I know. WHERE has my wit gone!!

So the next night, when I once again sat and scavenged the football field, my day went from okay to BAD. but I don't feel like talking about the bad, let's just analyze Him2 and my doofus self. Basically (O_O), I sat on the bleachers the whole night, because one of the coach's scowled me and told me to stay outside of the white lines, so it added on to my fustration from earlier, so I just sat there and took whatever pics I could. Him2 walked by me, here i am, playing all coy like I don't notice him walking towards me at all, but then I heard someone wolf-whistle at me! guess who? lol yes! Him2! And so, throughout the night, I kept my eyes on Him2. lol, so stupid of me, but what else was there to do? And when he was tired and had to rest, he would come by and sit next to me, lol, though I guess we're both pretty stupid, cause I'd catch him looking at me and smiling and he'd find me looking at him too. -___-" again, I might be just seeing things, maybe he just thought I was funny looking. But when the final scores announced that my school had lost, I sat around, waiting for a slight chance he'd come over and talk to me. But he never did. When I thought he might have approached me, instead, he stopped by his friends or whoever they were. I felt so stupid for just sitting there. So i got up and left without a backward glance.

The next day, I didn't get a chance to talk to him, because the faculty had actually work for me to do. We only snagged glimpse of each other. Now I'm so confused. My friend tells me that I shouldn't just like a person because they liked me first. But I don't understand my own situation, whether I even like Him2 or not. But one thing i know for sure, is that I'm over my infatuation with Him1. it's not cause I'm a flake or anything, but when I've made my stand and there is no response, or heaven's forbid, rejection, the interest or even curiosity does eventually die. and this is one dead cat.

Besides the point, I can't explain myself in just a few paragraphs to wrap it all up, nor do i want to bore you all with my jabbering. So just to wrap it up with last night's event. I went to the movies with Friend2(I hope he'll never turn into a Him3), and we watched Resident Evil: Extinction. And I have to say, it pretty much sucked for me. -_-" i shouldn't have been a good person and Friend2 go and watch Sydney White with me, But because I lost the bet, I went to see it with him. =P next time, NO WAY! then we grabbed a bite at IHOP (I Am SOOO SICK OF THIS PLACE!), and then went home, the end. lol

wait, why am I sick of IHOP, you wonder? Because me and 10 other of my friends skipped our 1st period on Wednesday to go eat breakfast at IHOP, and I hope no one ever knows or I'll be in so much trouble!!

Yes, though it may be contradicting that though the title of the blog may be 'The days without guys' but here i am talking about all these guys. But the actual point of it is that we don't have guys to call our own! If we did, do you think we'd have time to be blogging? O_O yes. That is my point. lol, now I have no idea what I'm saying anymore, but I will go plot my next move.


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September 21, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 28

Today is Friday! Yay? I don't feel the excitment. Today I was supposed to meet with an advisor but he wasnt there. The note on his door said, "be right back in 15 minutes." So we were supposed to meet at 9AM and after 30 minutes, 9:30 he wasn't even there. I was kind of annoyed by it a bit. Then I was the computer lab next door to his office, just listening to music. I heard someone greet him and I thought ok so he is back. I went out and see that his room was not open, the note was still there. I took a walk around the wallway and walking back toward his office looking down on the floor. Through I was not looking up I can tell that it was him walking out of his office door. I thought he might see, but he didn't. And I thought maybe I dress too girly today that he didn't recognized me or that he didn't even notice. Whatever, it didn't matter because I was heading to the elevator. I didn't care anymore to meet with him or not. So I left the building and was walking slowly to my class. Today I felt kind of tired and down and not as excited so through the day and up until now I didn't smile. I was kind of annoyed about everything I guess. And I didn't want to talk or anything. Hmm..

So about me dressing girly today. Well I am wearing a pink skirt, white top layer inside with a lace pink top that kind of showed my -- yeah. and Im wearing a redish pink flat. and caring a pink medium size pink bag - enough to fit my books for two class. (ok side track here, the guy that sits one table down from me was laughing to himself ... I thought maybe he saw something funny on the computer screen but the computer was blank.. freaky? yea. if you havent guessed, I'm in the school computer lab once again typing this.) SO I also wore a ring, fake diamond ring lol and a blacelett I got from Chinatown. My hair is super long as of right now.. but still short I think compare to my other friend. Pink lipgloss. Haha I feel like I'm describing myself to some stranger online... in a chatroom? Weird. The point is that I look different than usual. Usually I am in darker shade clothing, relax, tomboyish- feminine mix look, just everything but girly innocent as I tried to be today haha. I have my glasses, which I put on and pretended to be reading in the library. I had nothing to do earlier since my class ended and I have a break until my next class. I was telling myself that I should read and study but I wasnt. I was just sitting there in the library and staring into space.

Ok what now? I guess after school, my class ends at 1:30. I'm going to rent some chinese series? Idk though if I want to continue watching "Lieu Trai." As for the "Drive of Life" it started out so boring and uninteresting so that's gone. Gzz. it doesn't feel like FRIDAY.....................

Ok im like rambling now, talking disconnected things. I wish that Che Trai Cay can go back home this weekend. (GOSH some guy is cutting paper using that board thingy with the blade to cut the papers and the sound is so terrifying... like in those horror movies. if you like to know the guy a table down from me burp not long ago... like loudly.. eww . I mean I burp all the time but in public? omg i see someone. I can't write anymore i mean its him.. the guy that looks like Kevin Federline haha saw me and his now sitting next to me. I said hi to him and all and yeah we have a class at 12:40... i feel so uncomfortable. it would be funny if he reads what I wrote about him... yikes. ok i gtg).

sike.. well one more thing though.. SOMEONE IS BREATHING heavily .. i wonder if its KFed or the creepy guy a table down... what do you think? :)

September 20, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 27

It's a sad sad world T_T

Che Trai Cay will probably know how I feel -_-
School is killing everyone . . . *sigh*
Why why why

I'm so pressured to get the grade... I don't want to compete but I feel the need to. When have I gained this nature? Have I gone mad and evil? The words Valedictorian and S
alutorian. Why do people work their hearts out to get the title? Sure it'll be nice on your recommendation to colleges... but is it worth it?

I really admire those who can come to those titles because I know they worked hard to get there. I admire hard workers. It doesn't matter how smart you are... but if you don't work and just assume that you know everything... those are the people who will fall short in the long run.

Now of course... I don't ask for much. I'll just be happy in the top ten... thats why I'll be working my butt of next year... Unweighted classes are not an option -_-'(well.. maybe they are... ^_^) ... but then again, I earn what I deserve whether or not it's good or bad.

To be happy - - - I come to find that those who do no ask for anything are among the happiest. If you have no wish... you won't have to stress yourself trying to reach the stars. But of course in society today, aiming higher is better right? To get a bull's eye one must aim a little higher than the actual target. I suppose setting a goal is good. It keeps you on track. But most importantly, finish what you started.

RESOLUTION: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

One of Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues. He's a great man.

Love Love Love

What is love?? Is it in the air this season? Who knows..
Che Xanh.. why search for love when you can have it come to you?
(it happened last Sat. and I'm pretty sure it'll happen again this weekend. ~_^)

And Che Trai Cay...
Keep fighting! You're not alone.. -_-" let's get through this year together
No matter how much hair we'll lose... we'll make it no matter what!

But regardles...
I shall be ending here.
History is a killer for me.

and another quote from the great man, B. Franklin

"There never was a good war, or a bad peace."

---war is never good...and peace is never bad.

September 19, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 26

I feel for you Che Trai Cay. Sad... I want you to be home too.. Home is always the best place most of the time.

Man.... what a day it was. In school it was ok I guess. I showed my friend around the campus, she just transfered here. It was tiring for her but fun for me. Haha. She didn't like to walk too much. Haha. Then around lunch time I had lunch with my friend. It was cool, I had Beef Ho Fun, chinese food. Class after that was boring as usual. I have a quiz Thursday and I need to study, but I don't know how much I can get in my head in time for the quiz. sighs..

Lately I've been feeling oozy. I can't explain so I'm using "oozy" but it doesn't mean anything since I cannot contextualized it. So don't ask me, I won't know to explain it to you. But I guess I can try. Well I feel something like that butterflyish feeling in my tummy and chills on my body. No it's not love really, but I have been having nice thoughts about my past affairs. lol. Maybe love is in the air and I'm trying to catch it, but can't and I can only sense it and that already is making me feel weirdly.

As a result I'm like into softish music now and mainly those love songs or sad songs. And watching Korean drama Goong made it worse. My playlist consist of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese music mainly. No more dance, or upbeat music for me. I want sad, love, sorrow, and those kind of emotions. It is not nessarily a sad thing but I want to feel that passion feeling. Yeah.... :)

I think someone is staring at me ...

September 18, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 25

so i been living with my cousins for like 3 days now and it seems like eternity! like when will this be over! i just want to go back home. -_- is that too much to ask?

anyways school has been killer eps my math class. i have always been okie at math but lately at my new school its like. CHE TRAI CAY U ARE HAVING A MATH DEFECT. makes me mad. its nice that my parent are understanding about it. when i say understanding. i mean that the way they yell at me is less frightening in a way. or maybe not -_- but well just go with that. haha. and like in my chemistry class. i clearly retook the quiz the first week she gave us the chance to retake it right? and what do u know! she freaking lost the paper or
something cause it did not go into the grade book. which makes me even madder. like its not my responsibility that u lost it. i deserve my full points. so blah! if she doesn't find it i have to retake it again. and the lastest i can do that will be in 4 weeks when my parent are back from vietnam. thats one more thing i have to explain to my parent when they call along with my english group essay. cause those girls didn't send me what they were suppose to for me to do my part even after i emailed them a million time. being sarcastic. but it seems like that many. i think if u are going to work in team. AT LEAST do your part. u don't even know how panicky i was the night before it was due. i refreshing my email like every 2 minute. hoping. just hoping that they will email me my stuff and what do u know. THEY DIDNT! i think we get ours back before friday and trust me i do not want to see my grade. one of the reason why i never liked to work in group. its always better when trusting yourself instead of others. cause some of them don't care then down goes your grade.

its raining right now. i like the rain. its sorta calming my angry mood right now. i need to eat BUNCH of food or something to make me happy. even thought that is unhealthy and all but just want to be happy!

do guys know that u do not like them? ISNT IT PRETTY OBVIOUS? okie! like before i was typing this post. this dude kept calling me. even AFTER i said goodbye 4 times before that. i mean do u NOT get the point that i DO NOT want to talk to u? when all i said was "uh huh" "okie" in a very hateful tone. even th
ough i didn't mean to sound all mean. but its getting really annoying. -_- can't you just leave me alone! it was really retarded cause every time after that. he called and asked differently each time like "when is your birthday again?" "are u done yet" "how about now?" i was never busy in the first place but i rather do anything else but talk. so mean. -_-"

*breathe* haha it feels good getting that all out. =D

September 17, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 24

Wow... so here I am at the school's computer lab typing this once again. The last two days I was watching Korean Drama nonstop. I was watching Goong (Princess Hours). I vowed to finished it all at once so I won't have any to watch during the weekdays, that way I can devote more time to school? NONSENSE! Lol, like that's going to stop me from doing other things. Seriously, who wants to study anyway. I think I have enough of that. Most of my youth years are spent in school. 5 days a week or even more and even well off into college. It's sickening. And with all of that education, it's never enough because the business world always demand and more so even a Master degree will not be enough! Sighs.. yes I'm getting a bit frustrated after my dad said I should spend more years in school to get my Master. Gzz... Sometimes I kind of wish to have lived in the ancient days where women don't have to be educated and they're not expected to do much. BUT with that said, I do not wish that because those cruel times are very bad for women. We are being treated poorly and horribly. I just want to travel but it's not like I can because of many reasons.

I don't have my cell phone with me again, because my dad wanted to borrow it. I'm going to get him a cellphone and teach him to use it this November when I, my brothers and him will be together in a family plan with Cingular. Yeah I have T-Mobile now, it's ok if you want to know. Yeah, he needs his own cell so that I can contact him sometimes. It's hard to get in touch of him but in a way I don't him to get a cell because I don't want him to be on the phone while driving. It's dangerous; my dad is quite old and he can get distracted trying to handle a cell phone and listen to the phone calls. I'm worried about him and I don't want him to get in any accident. Sighs.... .........

What's a girl to do? No. What's a woman to do? Um...

September 16, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 23

Ngay(Day) 23

Just how much can you take before the annoyance drives you up the wall? Sometimes, a person's patience is just so much. It's another one of those days for me. I think I'm having these kinds of days more than I am eating rice. Cause there are days when I don't eat rice, but I am never without that annoyance. It starts out as a mindless fly, soaring back and forth in my face, but never too close to catch my attention. But just as soon as my muscles contracts into a smile, it dives in and sets itself on my being. Annoying, is it not?

Yes. So I started this blog once again early in the morning, and now it's the next day already, but I haven't finished the blog. I am so tired right now, but I am a committed person, so I will finish what I started. lol

They're celebrating the moon festival (trung thu) this friday at the temple. I am soooo going. lol, but the whole transportation thing is still an issue, so....gotta work on that., well, this morning really, a customer came in and was like "did you guys have a party here last night" and my sister said "no", then he said "it looks like it, cause its so dirty". THE FAG! anyhow...I really don't want to say much more on that issue.

School so far, is O-K. it's not OKAY yet, but just OK. I still have to revise my two college wannabe essays, but...sooo lazy.

This will probably be the crappiest blog I will ever, maybe if I had finished it early, I would probably sound more sane or whatever. so okay, off to bed for me, it's pretty late, so....-____-" I"m not even making any sense anymore. so byeee folks!


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September 15, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 22

Day 22

YES! It's a fact, I am a horrible person. I said I would blog, but I didn't! T___T who wants the flaming poker? BUT BUT! wait!! I'm here to correct my wrong, so gimme another chance? =D yes, and in order to correct my wrong, I will kiss the ground you walk on and be your "come to for food" slave...wait, i don't even have food for myself T_T how bout I just tell you what's been happening then?


Yes, so this is obviously a Saturday, and I am once again stuck at work until...13 more hours! yikes huh! Anyhow, but 12 hours earlier, I was at my school's football game. I was suppose to be taking pics for my masterpiece yearbook, but by the 3rd quarter, I got lazy and just sat on the benches next to the players and watched the game. lol. BUT hey! I took this AWESOME pic of the kicker at practice, it was like "OMG!" hahaha, but stupid me, I didn't bring the camera with me to work, nor did I upload them last night when I got home. So maybe next time, I'll post up my wannabe "pro" pics.

At the beginning, when I found out I was allowed like...down there, next to the players and on the field and stuff, i was like "O____O". And when I was actually standing there during game, it felt veryy intimidating, but hey! I'm a strong kid, those 200lbs, nearly 6ft guys don't scare me! unless I'm between them and an ice pack, or their water bottle, or even a towel...then "O____o" the only I took home with me besides a full bladder were the guys' sweat T_____T it was sooo gross!! alas, I would probably take better pics if I had read my camera's manual or had the guts or thick skin to go up close to the players and the band people, lol, but dude!! I'm new to this, so how would i know? -___-" yes, overall, my first experience of being on the field rather then the bleachers with the rest of the civilians, wasn't so bad. Next time though, I vow to do better. =] there's still the Homecoming. Against our decades rivals, the LBJ Jaguars...(crowd boos).

Maybe next time, they'll let me into the boy's locker room ^_^ HA!

My phone, my damn phone T___T it's so messed up. Have I told anyone how hot the Sony Ericson T650 would look on my hands? =D

A friend I knew since freshman year asked me yesterday "how's your bf doing", and I told him, "I don't have one -__-" Then he did the 20/20 questioning thing "why, when, who, what". And when I told him about HIM, he asked me whether I talked to him a lot. And I said "no", and he pointed out, if I don't talk to him a lot, how will we get to know each other to start anything. It really got me thinking. What am I doing? What do i want? it's not as if I don't want to talk to him, he has to also want to talk to me! And it's pretty obvious that I want to get to know him more, but he's all like..."BLAH". So now I'm being "whatever" about it too. Like him, I can live without being in a relationship, I just have urges of having companionship (just someone I can lean on) everynow and then, but I'm getting better at controlling the urge. So unless he's ready to quit being a baby about everything, then he can come to me. And if he ever does, and it's too late, then sucks for him. BUT I AM NOT WAITING AROUND FOR SOME GUY TO FINISH PUTTING ON HIS DIAPER. (the crowd goes wild!) -_-" I'll still sometimes blog about him though, lol, seeing as how this blog is about "the days without guys" ahaah.

*sigh* and my last words goes out to Che Dau Do (our maybe new member), if she does read this, I hope you get better soon, we all really miss you!

CBM: T___T I'm sorry!! I'm soo darn lazy! I was suppose to write you a letter months ago, but I didn't. i am horrible! HORRIBLE!!! but I still love you, so you better still lub me. =P And I just got these awesome stationaries, I will sooo write to you! <3

BTW: whatever happened to the traveling letter folks? O_O the thing just disappeared!

Okay, I'll wrap this up. um...oh! It's almost the moon festival. WHOO!! I can't wait to eat the moon cakes...yuM!! my fav, Tap Cam...omg, it's sooo delicious! ^_^ what's yours? I wish I could go to the temple this year for it, but obviously I can't when it's going to be on a Saturday. oh well. Hope everyone's day will be awesome today, and I hope mine will be too. Otherwise...

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September 14, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 21

one wrong move and everything is gone. but sometimes that move isn't preventable. no one wakes up in the moring telling themselves "I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING WRONG TODAY!" however, its a nice way to blame a person. but it isn't true. some people need a second chance. even though it may be easy to say that now but when one is put in that situation. all thoughts are changed. you don't know how salty the water may taste unless it has been splashed upon your face.

my family are leaving to vietnam in like 1 more day. yes! i'm giving u like a countdown. cause i feel like it -_-

on like wednesday or so. che xanh had sent me a text message during chemistry class. i think i need like hearing aid or something because my phone went off for like 30 minute straight and i didn't notice or hear it. it's prolly because i set my phone to beep every 1 minute for missed calls and text. smart move when i didn't even turn to phone on vibrate before hand. -_- haha. yeah. this girl in front of me was like "is your phone going off" and i'm like with my stupid look "huh?" haha but when i finally checked. it was indeed mine. surprisingly the teacher didn't hear it or pretend she didn't o.O. anyways i w
ent to turn of my cell. and it has this annoying 'ding' whenever i do that. haha. but its the good thing. that girl in front of me. kept coughing to make the sound less distinguishable. what a nice person right? haha cause she was like "i got your back." if only more people were like that in the world. =D

we had a prep rally today. the lights were turned off. since it was a "black out" theme. i liked the glow sticks, even tho i didn't bring mine.

a shocking revelation today was when this one girl said she know "the fat dude". haha i was like OMPANDA! couldn't believe it. i had a hunch that she might when she told me she was from same city he was. but know you. sometime theres still some disbelief that remains within. actually she doesn't know him, know him. but she had heard of him which is more shocking. is the fat dude that popular to even be "heard" of? haha. i still can't believe it. oh well. maybe one day i will. but right now. still in SHOCK! a small world after all.

September 13, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 20

So none of Che want to post. So here I go again posting nonsense. Well don't know what to say today, I'm really not sure. I mean weekend is almost here and I can't wait, but I hate living the day by day like this. You know doing a routine and then waiting for something to happen. When can I really let go and just leave. I want to just let go of everything, but life isn't about running away or leave. Sometimes we have to take into consider the people around us. Although it is our life, they are part our life- family and friends. Sighs. WTH

Um. So I did my homework, which I am so happy for. It's hard I guess to get any motivation to do things nowaday. No I'm not depress, I'm just feeling a bit unmotivated. No internal nor external. Um.. so BIG BROTHER 8 will end soon and boy am I upset that the Donatos are winning. Gzzz. Anyway.

I want to wish CHE TRAI CAY the best of luck. I know she is trying hard and has really set forth sometime to focus on school work. I admire her for that. I used to be that into school or like care more about my grades in H.S. but now it's like BLAH. A c is good enough I guess. SIghs..

There is this good looking guy in my class. He sits infront of me. I know him from another class I also took with me. He likes to smile. He kind of remind me of Kevin Federline, lol. Anyway we chat sometimes in class though. You're waiting for a point in this story? There isn't, haha.

September 12, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 19

Today was a tiring day, besides school and more school there seems to be no highlight! WELL except that my Harlemm Lee CD came in the mail today. I saw it on my table when I came back from school. I was quite excited to see it. Harlemm Lee is an amazing singer and he has such an awesome personality. Yes, I'll be listening to his music mostly throughout this week. It's just sad that he didn't find much success. There are many underrated artists in every part of the world. I guess the point is not to famous or be known like the big and famous names, but that the artist is able to produce music and that someone listens and appreciates it. This is what I'm doing with Harlemm Lee's music. If only he knows how much I appreciate and like him as an artist.

Back to reality, I have some homework due at the end of this week that I have not yet started on. It's crazy- I mean like the amount of work and time put into education and all and in the end not many people can get back half as much. It's just like how the bookstores ripped students of their money for books. Amazing and sad. The most expensive occupation is to be a student! And I am one. Expensive not in payment but investment because of the time and money. I guess I should say that it is the hardest occupation to take on. What do you think?

About guys... I'm not sure what to say. They're still guys and I still have trouble understanding them. It's a difficult communication and relationship to get through. If only there was an easier way to do that, but I guess part of the fun is to try to communicate through. Life would be boring if everything was peaceful? There wouldn't be heroes or much goals for people in life? And with guys, when you can tame them, it isn't fun anymore I guess.

September 11, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 18

Day 18

It rained from night to day today. How would I know such a thing when even the weather man can't predict the weather for sure? :P Because I woke up in the middle of the night, and then every other hour. This habit of mine has got to stop. It's from the weekend work time that I have to wake up that has my whole system messed up. ARGHHH work! so yes.

Suppose everyday, the world picks 1 person to mess with. In my case, it's been this whole month! Every day is there something up. But I'm too lazy to type up all my crap lol So I use a "bitchin' processor". Technically, it's just my friend, whom I rant on and on over the crap that happens that day with him. lol, we really have nothing else better to do. Though I'm sure i'm suppose to be doing hw, or something educational, but seriously...does anyone ever feel inspired to do anything educational at all? Not this chick.

I wish I was inspired to write my college essay. But the thing is, I'm not. I have no inspiration to write anything. Which suprised me, because I was able to write one of my college essay, but not this other. Why can't we just send in our money orders and checks and be done with it. You can go to any college you want. BUT NO. they want us to work our asses off. WHY WHY! The white kin are so stupid, to originally make these regulations to prevent the colored man from entering a higher degree of education, and to show off their "noogies", they created so many ladders and chutes to stop the colored man. Well, it's the 21st century and it's not just the colored man that is having trouble folks, it's the white man too. SO BOO HOO! The chinks are taking over! not this chink though, -_-".

I have been given a task. A task that no one else knows about. I seriously, seriously want to turn my nephew into a real asian, someone who can out shine the rest, but then I look at the before picture, and it just makes me want to choke him to death. This kid, is a mess! And in so many ways. I won't go into depth about his lost cause, so may god be with him.

My phone is fucked up. It is the main irritation on my mind currently, besides my essay. I tried to get it fixed today, but the guy said he couldn't. So I'm screwed. Anyone want to buy me a new phone? The Sony Ericsson T650 is looking veryy veryy delicious right now. :D

One more word on the whole guy issue. It's currently on pause, because dealing with it is too much trouble. So I am going to take a new take on this issue of mine. I will revert back to my old self and by god, I will be reckon! YOU, beware. Because you won't know what's gonna hit you until it's too late. Well, I doubt you'd feel it anyways o.O all that muscles and all, but still!
yeah, I sound pathetic, so what! Off to work the 'bitch processor' out! Ciao!

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September 10, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 17

First off, I want to response to Che Xinh Xa. I understand. Definitely, it depends on him and not you and I. But friends just like to help even though it might or might not work, they want to take part to show support so you don't feel that you're alone. Sometimes we all need to do things alone. TAKE ON THE BEAST! a lady always soften any beast. PIERCING! nice.. but I'm such a chicken for pain, I cannot get one. But if one day I can pull some strength I want a nose one... yes I'm currently into Indian stuff, Hindu and Bollywood. Hehe. Take a picture CXX, I want to see it.. not when it's swollen red but afterward. Hehe. I understand your frustration for the word "couple." When I think of couple I think of a few.. so yeah.

Second Che Ba Mau, I would like to quote your words, you're so wise hehe. "Your lovers are like your tonsils (haha)... they can be removed... sure you won't be able to talk for a few days... " I agree but most of us don't want our tonsils removed... it's painful. I like to think love as a luxury but it has become a nessesity for me.. and when I think of myself old and alone... It's sad.

Third... aww you poor child. Che Trai Cay. YOU GO GET YOUR MOM! Make her buy that shirt ^__~ Hehe.. But it's sad stuff you blog about. I would like to chase after guys but sometimes I don't have that courage or drive to do it. Maybe I need to really find someone I REALLY WANT! maybe.

Hey all... it's Monday again and you know what that means. It's the day that most of us CHE fear... it is the return to school. Usually on weekends we distract ourselves from schoolwork by talking to one another or finding other things to distract us by. But eventually the day will come that we will have to face our fear. Yes, we're pretty lazy gals and like to procastinate but isn't everyone for the most part? If you could somehow motivate ourselves that would be great. But the good thing is however that in the end we pull through and get the work done. Just that in the meantime before the water drown us, we like to swim in it. Hehe. My dad always say that don't let the water get to your feet before you start running. It some saying, but I think for us water at the knee is nothing... But yeah you get what I mean.

So what am I doing at this time? Well I'm at school, yea class has not start yet. So I'm at the computer lab typing this. Isn't it cool? Haha. I'm going to finish typing this but I won't be able to publish it until I'm at home when I can upload the pictures. (PIXS? Yeah). So yesterday my family ordered some pizza from Papa Johns, 4 total with a variety of toppings including grilled chicken, pepperoni, sausages, olives, and more. Here are some pictures of the pizza.


So I had 3 slices and that was like a lot for me. Usually two is enough, anymore would be BLAH. However yesterday I wanted to try all four pizza. But I couldn't eat anymore... poor pepperoni pizza I didn't try it. I like to fair and give all the pizzas a fair chance. Lol. Hey did you know my niece..she is really a pizza addict so she ate 7 slices!!! OMG! My sisters and I ate the least because we just can't handle that much and we're not very much into pizza anyway. I know what you're thinking. That I should share the pizzas with you. Yeah maybe in the next couple of years or so when we have a transportating machine that sends stuff easily from one place to another. ^^

Sighs... speaking of food, I'm getting hungry. I didn't eat breakfast. Maybe I'll have brunch later on.

September 9, 2007

Day 16 goes on

The Tri-colored che is now back in the house. Soo what's up folks? Hope everyone's been doing fine.

Che Xanh is sitting down there talking about food and how she turned down a guy.. sad for me... that never happened. Ooh why does Che Xanh get all the dudes. She must be the sweetest among us all o.O

As for Che Trai Cay . . . Dudee haha. how is someone suppose to know you without talking to you first... what if they thought you didn't like them because u didn't talk to them -_-"...
But I suppose that's just how we are aren't we? I notice I talk to most people.. Why? I am currently not interested in anyone -_-"... which is easier on me since it doesn't make it awkward between me and my acquaintances.

Besides... I've been preoccupied with school which gives me no extra time to breathe. Only time to hang with friends a little. I rather use the free time I have with my friends rather than dedicate it to one specific person that may not even last forever.
We all know the drill. Friends are a part of you... and if they're gone.. you'll never be able to replace them.. as for boyfriend/girlfriend.. they come and go... Without them.. you can still go on.. because you'll have the support of your friends. I say friends and family are the backbone to your life.. they'll always be there to support you throughout life.. whereas in comparison.. your lovers are like your tonsils (haha)... they can be removed... sure you won't be able to talk for a few days... but you'll be up and going the next week so . . .

who knows. - - -

blah blah blahhhhhh

I'm Hungry now.

The Days without Guys - Day 16

Day 16.

I'm horrible, just horrible. 3 days of no blogging? OMG, how can I still live with myself? -_-" so yes, the other Ches' have blogged, and i haven't.. what to make of this kind of person! bring out the pig barrels i say.

Well, i've been building up this load of feeling for over a week now, it's time to let it all out.

Guys. A creation made to drive girls nuts. Why do they tease us so? Do they enjoy making girls mindless in thoughts of them? Or are they truly ignorant about their affects on us?

The subject of my lack of sanity is him. I don't know what to do anymore. One minute, i feel as if, there is a chance, the next, my deflated balloon of confidence is soaring airless in the waves of confusion. Though I understand that my friends are rooting for me, they just don't understand. I don't need their approval to keep trying or at least be waiting for him to turn and actually see me. I'm just confused entirely. Maybe one day I might figure out what his problem is, or maybe I just won't. Alright, I have no idea what I'm saying anymore. SCREW guys. PERIOD.

So peeps. I finally got that piercing I wanted...-_-" nothing too skanky or indecent, just another hole on my ear lobes on each side. lol. I was so freaked out when i went to get it...hince, I'm not yet 18...but i finally found a way to breach the system. lol, my friend's sister works there, so she agreed to do it for me. DUDE! It hurted like a bitch! T____T but I didn't cry lol, i figured I'd look stupid for making a sound, so i just grinded my teeth and dealt with it. lol, I just hope when my mom finds out she won't go completely bananas on me...I liked her reaction to my semi-blond-redhead look years ago...hahaah, not that much hair pulling, just a few screams directed towards herself...=]

yes, last time, I was bitching about the term "a couple", but then my sister's laptop went el-blanco, so I never got around to finishing that wanna be blog of mine. Yes, "a couple", a reference to units, not the relationship kind. What in the world is "a couple"? How do you define "a couple" of this and that. It pisses me off so bad. I get customers that come into my Dad's store, asking "a couple" of this and that. And when I get them not the right amount, they get all shitty in my face. I'm like, wtf am I? a mind-reader? NO SHIT FACE (i am still addressing the customers)! If they wanted 2 of this, then effing say TWO! Or if you wanted 1 instead, say damn ONE! Not "a couple". Why the eff would you waste your breath saying "a couple" when its several letters longer. I swear this place will be the death of me. Everytime I go to work, there will always be something or someone that pisses me off entirely. Just as what happened yesterday! but that story isn't fit for anyone's ears...too many graphically language.. lol

so yes...I will try to regroup my thoughts of him together and maybe one day I will make some sense and wont' sound like a baboon. Currently, I am trying to treat everything as water under the bridge. Let's just hope I don't fall in and drown or if I do, there will be someone to save me. Will you save me? =]

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September 8, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 15

In about a week my parents are heading to Vietnam! i envy them. but u know this whole year. my parents have been forcing me to live with others. and not that i hate those people. its just i don't like living with others. i don't like being away from home or having a home in which i can not return to. also I tend to not eat when i live with other people cause i don't like eating at other people house unless i am really CLOSE to them like my temple family and my family in Vietnam. other than that it is a very rare case that i do. -_-.

my uncle is also leaving tomorrow to go back to his home in Houston and i'll miss his company around the house. I have seen a lot of people leaving my side this year and it makes me sad on the inside.

uh back to the subject of guys.
are u the type of che that chase after a guy or wait for them to chase u?
many 'nice guys' as my friend would put it want the girl to approach them first. they are like this is the 21st century! well im glad
that u know what century it is but it doesn't mean that all females have broken out of their shells to go make the first move -_- but if u want them to. they go buy a hammer and crack their shells for them. gah. im the type that likes to talk to guys i dont like and dont talk to the one that i do like. and where will that take me? NOWHERE and im back here again. haha =D

September 7, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 14

So... what shall I talk about? On Friday I went to rent some Chinese TV series again. I'm pretty much going to watch the series .. all of it and maybe get start on my homework. Mmm.... I'm going to sleep early or so I will try because I mean it's Friday.

Let's talk about guys. I was talking to my best friend... We're not like before ever since he asked me to be his girlfriend it was quite awkward afterward. Yeah he was pretty upset when I turn him down. I have feelings for him as a friend but that's it. It was so odd.. cause I see him somewhat like a brother maybe and so when we get beyond that relationship role it becomes um not right. I guess there isn't any sparks between us... None so that we could share a kiss without feeling disgusted. With some people I might not start a relationship with but there's that lust or that passion or that connection where we're able to flirt, um or even more but with some it is just not there. Uh huh. It's all good when he has a girl friend. I feel much better like the focus or part of the weight is off me. He's quite busy lately with work and all so I don't see him online much. Probably rarely. But When's on we chat normally but not like before because there's still that thorn there .

ANYWAY. Let's move on to lighter topic like say FOOD. Hehe. You know that was coming. Me and food it's like ... me and food. But I think I depend on food more. I guess in the relationship between us, I'm the one who puts out more effort to seek, make and, devour. lol. ok. I'm hungry for something... like a Chinese pear... sweet, juicy, watery. and cold..

September 6, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 13

Andddd I'm back once again. ^_^ what to say what to say.

Math test tomorrow... boy isn't that going to be fun -_-" I come to find that lately.. school has been passing by slowly but painfully. whats with that -_-" The only thing that is keeping me going are my lovely friends. ~

My brother is funny .... today he came home with a box of ice cream sandwiches, saying that he bought it for me but I know deep down.. he bought it for his own self -_-" ... haha he asked me to open it so he can have a "bite" ... oh brother.

- - - - hmm

Let me think of anything interesting....

......... Nope. nothing at all -_-"

*sigh* I'm glad tomorrow is Friday... eee.. Soy perezosa. I'm too lazy to do anything.


I want to go shopping... again. hha but I guess I should save up some money if I consider the trip to Greece and Italy. I dunno. I think its too pricey.. but of course.. isn't everything? But I do wonder if there'll be pretty people there. . . Who knows -_-" I rather go to an Asian country.

It's thundering now... and has been raining throughout the day. I'm glad I got my Banh Bao... after all.. Banh Bao's are the best on a rainy day ^_^

September 5, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 12

So I got lots of readings to do but when I tried to read the text, I fall asleep or go into a sleep like stage. haha. But I will try again and again and again and again if I can.

Besides from school that is taken most of the space in my life at the moment. Other things are creeping up as well. LIKE GUYS, which is what this blog is partly about. What about them you ask? Well what can I say but that no one is wooing me lol. Not that just that I feel lonely. Most guys I start to pick an interest in are taken so I don't want to be the third person. One guy I know from school I used to like, but he was too shy to know to make a move or response to one so I let him go. Online people? Come on, all 40+ year old guys friend request me. Like did I say in my profile that I wanted nasty old guys to befriend me? No. so wassup with that? HMPP! Yeah I know some hot sexy atrractive guys but they don't like girls. Sighs. SO what's left? Fakers, wannabes, jerks, psychos and emotional unstable + low selfestem and stalkers that are attached. SAY MATCH.COM? BULLSH!T Dr. Phill needs to shut the crap talking. okay I'm done. Maybe I'm pmsing but that's no excuse.