October 19, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 56

you know, there are days when the whole world freaking pissed you off. its like they are all gaining up on you. well i don't care if they do. they can just all go DIE! not really but I have thoughts about killing them slow and painfully. muhahaha. in a nice way of course. not really. but if i say that maybe someone will pity me. haha jk jk -_-

OKIE! this is why imma turn gay or something to mate with animals [haha] cause GUYS ARE IDIOTS. not all but a majority are. anyways. this dude told me to bother someone else cause he had no good comebacks for his stupid comments. like wtfreak. have u even look closely at urself before telling people that? so yeah hes been telling me stories about how he loved his online girlfriend and how not hearing her voice for even one day makes me not be able to go to bed. but sorry i find that highly LAME. and stupid. he the kind of guy that no one likes in real life so he finds love online. how sad. i know him for like 2 years and truthful i don't like him, if u haven't already realize that, i find him highly weak. I could squash him *snap fingers* like that. he thinks that the whole world should pity him because he parents doesn't let him go out. like uh yeah thats very pitiful indeed NOT! there are many people out there that are in worse conditions than you. also he believe that he has a sad life considering that he doesnt express his feelings. yeah i dont express my love to my parent even though i want to and you dont see me sitting there telling everyone about it hoping to get sympathy. seriously get a freaking life. i hate people who want others to pity them. what does that do for you? make you feel better about urself? well if that does than no one is going to go around feeling sorry for another. its life. freaking deal with it.

haha man i'm so evil. but blah he asked for it. =]

so theres another one at my school. and most of you would know that my personality is quite sarcastically inclined. so he called me rude. because i say things sarcastically. its not like i really meant it. and seriously i said it in a joking manner. it wasnt anything big either. i told him to stop touching me cause i hate people touching me and he goes and pull my hair? like what is wrong with u! i told him that he should go mess with someone else cause i don't like talking to him and he was like "one day sang one day imma get you back for making fun of me and imma make you break down and cry" OH HOW MANLY OF YOU TO MAKE SOMEONE YOUNGER CRY. so what, you can feel superior? well i would like to see you try. freak.
and that ends my angry rant.

but on a brigher note. im geting a new camera. any suggestions? i want a colored one.

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