October 20, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 57

What a day, I feel that I could have spent the time studying for do something useful instead of sitting around. But I don't know what to do really.. it's just that I feel unmotivated. Maybe, I just need some time off. So what should I do? Do what?

Do you want to hear a poem? No? Um. So you know. I woke up early today, earlier than usual. Why am I yawning so much. There's no one on today I guess.. Sighs.. what should I do?

OKAY here is a poem... You ready?

Title: Yellow Dot

Maybe when I am young, I will know
that life is but a yellow dot.
But I'm old and I can see the yellow color.
But never the yellow dot.
Amazing lights center around it,
No one dare to step outside the curve.
But one person did and never come back to us.
The thought of existing inside and not outside
Frighten me so much that I want to puke.
Maybe there's orange and a rainbow waiting
If we dare to step outside.
But IF what if there's only darkness surrounding
a DOT of yellow light?

Yes, I just wrote this right now, random, out of the blue. Comments and other thoughts are welcome. Bashing is not allow jk.. go for it. Next time.. Bye

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