September 29, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 36

Today's post was going to be a full on bitchathon, but after napping for so many hours, I'm still pissed, but not entirely so. so apparently, weekends will be my day to write crap =D

Folks, Him2 is out of the running! Yes, I've made up my mind, and well, I see no attraction there. It's a good distraction, but not a worth it attraction. O___o rite.

I hope everyone is proud of me, because I've joined the cross country team. Well, I won't be running in the meets or any fast or long distance, just a few laps to get myself in shape. The coach, who's my anatomy teacher, is very nice about it all. He's slowly pushing me to my limit and in no way is forcing me to go beyond unless I'm up for it. But we all know I'm only in it for the shirt. lol, yes. So far, I've been to two practices, since I joined Thursday. The waking up thing is so far okay, but I don't know if I can pull this off, waking up at 6:30, for 3 more weeks. The first time I ran, I was stupid enough to try to keep up with the other girls, so after 1 lap, I was screwed. -___-" all the guys started calling me 1 lap. HAR HAR. BUT! the next day, I was able to do 1 mile without dying. :D Now at least they can call me 1 mile, i hope. lol, i doubt it though.

The first student government meeting of the year wasn't so bad. We came up with lots of new ideas to raise money. ^_^ And nobody is going to over-throw anybody. =]

Besides, my yearbook teacher is being a total BIATCH to me. You all might not think so, or that I'm just over reacting or whatever, but, truly, when I'm dedicated to something, I want it to be the best of the best. And how can I do that, when she's telling me to do this and that, and when I do, she shoots down all of my ideas and incorporates her own? why the fuck doesn't she just do everything then? why should I even be part of it at all? I like plans. So when I go into something, I need to know every single little details!! I'm anal like that, but hey! at least it gets things done. So whatever, back to the drawing board.

Do you want to know why Him2 it out of the picture? Either way, I'll still tell :D well, yesterday, since it was office aid period day, I reported to my assigned counselor to see what's up. Apparently, she had these two huge binders for me to sort papers in. This is a block period, so it was 1 hour and 30 minutes total. I finished my task in an hour -___-" during that time, I didn't once feel rushed or sad because I couldn't see him or talk o him. That was a sign. So just when I was about to finish up my task, my friend called, but it was him, calling from her phone, asking me to take him to Short Stop (fast food restaurant), and I'm not..."NO". why the heck would I take him to get his food O___o. Besides the point that he's making it pretty obvious that he likes me in front of my friends, which, somehow, I guess, if I really liked him, I would have loved it, but I didn't. Sign #2. Then the BIGGEST thing is that, he's not that great of a conversationalist. All we do talk about, his is scars, football, his SHAVED legs (keeps showing them to me and telling me to touch them! o__O), and his stupidity. -___-"

And Him1! My gawd, if you want my attention, just say so. Why does he keep throwing footballs at my face! O__O I didn't catch it the first time, what makes you think I can catch it the next? -_-"

So I went to this elementary moon festival thing at my childhood nightmare elementary school. It's been a tradition since forever to have a moon festival there, but it's been years since I've ever really had the urge to go. I went because of my new asian friends :D hahaha, yeah. Me, Joey, Yen and her bf Toan, stood around there for a few hours, watching crappy little kids dance and sing. -__-" Then Yen and I tried to sweet talk our way into getting a free lantern :D hahaha. and we succeeded! The only down side to last night was that we couldn't stay out longer than 9. =/

I won't talk about the crappy things that happened though. So tonight, and me Quyen are closing the shop early to go to the Temple's celebration of the moon festival. -___-" I hope my dad never finds out or we're screwed. HA!

So much is going on these days, and I missed seeing the Che's on cam yesterday, doing their naughty things! T____T whyy!!!

My phone is a bitch again too. ARGHH...when will OCT. 7th roll around! Anyhow, my eye is...a little better. But it still gets red, which sucks.

Oh well, I can't recall much to say anymore. I'll be back tomorrow to blog though, maybe then I can inform ya'll on whatever I missed in this blog. hahaha, more nonsense jibbering from CXX here.

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