September 6, 2007

The Days Without Guys - Day 13

Andddd I'm back once again. ^_^ what to say what to say.

Math test tomorrow... boy isn't that going to be fun -_-" I come to find that lately.. school has been passing by slowly but painfully. whats with that -_-" The only thing that is keeping me going are my lovely friends. ~

My brother is funny .... today he came home with a box of ice cream sandwiches, saying that he bought it for me but I know deep down.. he bought it for his own self -_-" ... haha he asked me to open it so he can have a "bite" ... oh brother.

- - - - hmm

Let me think of anything interesting....

......... Nope. nothing at all -_-"

*sigh* I'm glad tomorrow is Friday... eee.. Soy perezosa. I'm too lazy to do anything.


I want to go shopping... again. hha but I guess I should save up some money if I consider the trip to Greece and Italy. I dunno. I think its too pricey.. but of course.. isn't everything? But I do wonder if there'll be pretty people there. . . Who knows -_-" I rather go to an Asian country.

It's thundering now... and has been raining throughout the day. I'm glad I got my Banh Bao... after all.. Banh Bao's are the best on a rainy day ^_^

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